The Hygiea Health and Wellness Evaluation and the Treatments we Provide

The First Step

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." ~ Martin Luther King

We believe that health starts from the ground up. Decades of research links healthy people with lifestyle and diet.

We believe food, concentrated food supplements, and herbal remedies are therapeutic regardless of what the FDA says.

The nutrient deficiencies in commercial food, junk and processed food, GMO food, and cloned food leads to varying degrees of dysfunction that over time leads to illness and disease.

We believe that our health is further degraded by increased stress, the toxic air we breathe, the polluted water we drink, cook, and bathe in, the chemical-laden personal care products we use, sleep deprivation, the prescription and over-the-counter medications we take and their inevitable side effects, the sedentary lifestyles we lead, and the electromagnetic radiation we are exposed to from computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, and other electronic components.

Now the good news!

We believe the dysfunction, illness, and the disease process is not only preventable but potentially reversible.

It is your right to have optimal health, more energy and vitality, to live with a positive sense of well-being, to be pain free and enjoy all that life has to offer.

Take the first step with us – It’s never too late to recreate yourself!

Hygiea Health, Wellness & Chiropractic transforming lives from powerless to powerful.

Hygiea Health and Wellness Evaluation

The Hygiea Health and Wellness evaluation begins with gathering information through our online forms process. When we meet you, we will perform a series of tests. With this information, we will create a plan of action to achieve your health goals. Tests may include:

  • NervExpress® – an evaluation of the heart and autonomic nervous system
  • Saliva stress test
  • Futrex near-infrared test for body water and fat percent
  • Systems survey test
  • Lifestyle evaluation
  • Nutritional and supplement recommendations
  • Kinesiology (muscle testing) for food sensitivities, heavy metals, chemical toxins, pathogens, systems and organs
  • Orthopedic, skeletal, and neurological tests for musculoskeletal conditions
  • A report with exam findings and recommendations emailed to you

Our Location

15335 Morrison St Ste 380 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

Get in Touch With Us

If you would like to briefly talk about any concerns you might have, feel free to contact us for a free consultation with Dr. Schwartz. Please be ready to provide us with information to determine if we are the right fit for you. We look forward to working with you. Our phone number is (818) 616-3433

The Treatments we provide, are customized to meet your objectives and goals.

Imaet Quantum Biofeeback

Quantum biofeedback is a revolutionary approach to healthcare that combines the principles of quantum physics and biofeedback therapy. It utilizes advanced technology to measure and analyze the body’s energy fields, providing valuable insights into an individual’s overall health and well-being.

It works by detecting subtle changes in the body’s electromagnetic field and translating them into meaningful data. This data is then analyzed to identify imbalances or stressors within the body, such as allergies nutritional deficiencies, toxins, or emotional disturbances.

Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.)

B.E.S.T. recognizes that our emotions are intricately connected to our physical health and works on a deep level to release stored emotions that may be contributing to illness or discomfort.

Another unique aspect of B.E.S.T. is its focus on neuro-emotional pathways. Working with the nervous system helps reprogram negative patterns or beliefs that may be holding us back from living our fullest potential.

Nutritional Kinesiology

Nutritional Kinesiology is a holistic approach to health that combines the principles of nutrition and kinesiology, the study of movement and muscle function. It aims to optimize health by identifying allergens, pathogens, chemical toxins and heavy metals, nutritional deficiencies or imbalances in the body and restoring balance through proper nutrition, herbology and supplements.


Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Chiropractic is an approach to manipulate joints to improve motion and reduce pain. Techniques range from non-force to low-force to traditional. At Hygiea Health we perform a variety of techniques including B.E.S.T., non-force, Arthrostim low-force and diversified, a traditional technique.

Photon Genie

The photon genie works on the principle that light energy can stimulate cellular repair and regeneration. It emits a specific frequency of photons that are absorbed by the body’s cells, promoting healing and restoring balance. It is often used to relieve pain, boost immunity, improve circulation, and slow the aging process.


The arthrostim is a motorized hand-held instrument that delivers precise and gentle adjustments to the spine and other joints. It provides low force rapid impulses that stimulate proprioceptors in the affected area. This triggers a reflex response that helps restore normal joint function and alleviates pain. By stimulating nerve pathways and enhancing communication between the brain and body, this technique promotes holistic healing and improved overall well-being.

Rapid Release

The Rapid Release Technique (RRT) is a manual therapy that uses specific vibrations to target areas of tension and discomfort in the body. The technique is performed using a specialized instrument that delivers high-frequency, low-amplitude vibrations to the affected area. RRT is designed to help relieve pain, improve range of motion, and promote healing by increasing blood flow and reducing muscle tension.


The Vibracussor is a handheld device that uses percussive therapy to promote healing and relaxation. It delivers rapid, high-frequency vibrations to the muscles and soft tissues, helping to release tension, improve blood flow, and promote the body's natural healing processes. It can be used to alleviate pain and stiffness, enhance athletic performance, and improve overall physical and mental well-being.


Infrasound therapy refers to the use of low-frequency sound waves to treat various health conditions. It is believed to help reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle tension, as well as promote relaxation and improve sleep. Infrasound therapy is often used in conjunction with other forms of treatment.

Cold Laser

Cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy, is a non-invasive technique used to treat various conditions such as pain, inflammation, and tissue regeneration. It involves the use of low-intensity laser light to stimulate healing in the affected area. The laser light penetrates the skin and stimulates the cells to produce more energy, which helps to reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing. Cold laser therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for a variety of conditions and is often used in conjunction with other therapies to provide optimal results.


PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy. It is a type of therapy that uses low-frequency electromagnetic waves to stimulate and heal the body at a cellular level. PEMF therapy has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including pain, inflammation, depression, and bone healing.

The 6 Essentials for Health

Everyday we make choices that influence health and wellbeing. We will provide education in the 6 choices - what to eat, what to drink, How to exercise, rest, and breath, and what and how to think.

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